Psychometric profiling tools are sometimes a little over complex, but actually Talent Dynamics is fun: understanding yourself, knowing how you flow best and who complements you in a team or even in a personal relationship!
‘Opposites attract’ is a well-known saying, and it is very true when believing in teamwork or in a partnership. If you knew how your partner really ticks sometimes, wouldn’t life be a lot easier, with fewer conflicts and frustrations and more working together in harmony, right? And this is where Talent Dynamics comes in…
Knowing that your partner loves freedom, for example, why try to restrain them by staying in the house all weekend? If one partner is very good with money and likes to control the finances, then the other partner can rest assured they don’t need to worry about this, as too many chefs spoil the broth, and to be honest they would be so much better than you, so why waste your time? Some people are extrovert and love to talk, some are deeper; some are introvert and prefer to mind their own business and do it well! Introverts would hate to create issues however they are excellent at finding the issue or problem and resolving it.
But how do you know how to manage a partner, or how to get the best from someone, or even what job is best for you?
By taking a quick 10 minute online test with Gotcha; minutes after completion you will receive a full report all about you direct to your inbox! This is a great exercise too if you looking for a new job ….as you can really drill down to what jobs suit you and your natural energy, which in turn means where you flow best and how you are most productive.
For example me, Angela; I have a strong Dynamo energy meaning I am very creative (hence why I like writing my own blogs!), innovative and able to see the bigger picture – that’s why I am very entrepreneurial, struggle to finish things at times, always late and happy to take risks. On the other hand Gill, my colleague, has strong Tempo and Steel energies which means she has good time management and is able to finish projects by the deadline. Gill is also able to keep a good ear to the ground and has an organised approach to her workload.
If you would like to read more or listen to a video about Talent Dynamics click here. If you would like to take a quick 10 question assessment, email us on and we can help you from there.