“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”- Amit Ray
(Indian author, and spiritual master. He is known for his teachings on meditation, yoga, peace and compassion)
Everyone at present is looking for answers; life isn’t that easy, and these answers sometimes take a while to come to fruition. To be able to look at the future you must look at your present status, learning from the past, to improve or develop new work practices. For example, increase productivity, streamline business processes, reduce overspending, build more energy and fun indirectly with morale and motivational techniques, leverage communication, acknowledge and praise staff you value, utilise modern technology and many more, to make your company more robust to withhold any disruption that’s out of your control.
This mental strategy can be used in your personal life too, increasing productivity with energy, making time for walks, bike rides and outside activities, monitor spending and control luxuries, communicate more with your extended family, spend more time with your children or partner, having fun enjoying one another’s company.
Don’t be overwhelmed, but acknowledge difficult and stressful situations. Take time aside without distractions as mentioned in Part 3. Think about how you feel, and how things are at this present time in your business, before thinking about what you can do to manage them. This is in theory strategic acceptance.
Fight any anxiety of what could happen. Believe in your business, yourself, and how you can help others. To make anything happen in life you must look at yourself first!
In Part 1 I talked about revolutionising …. we need to keep our heads held high, keep focused and drive forwards, making a difference in possibly new directions, which will revolutionise new beginnings. Grab this situation with both hands to redefine and understand how you and your company could bring the best out in you and your people, but remember to do this in bite size chunks, giving yourself daily goals to accomplish these:
- Be 100% committed
- Learn from this pandemic
- Be composed by being a step ahead
- Develop a game plan you can control
- Engage experts
“You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen
(David Allen is a productivity consultant who is best known as the creator of the time management method known as “Getting Things Done”.)
However, why not also embrace further knowledge for your future… The Internal Recruiter is offering free of charge 5 days’ worth of how we can use positive mindfulness to support our coronavirus exit. With retention and recruitment tips and templates too, how to limit distractions and interruptions allowing you to focus, with a goal a day in mind.
To receive your FREE of charge 5 day People Planning Pack email: internalrecruiterhelp@gmail.com