Employers generally receive countless job applications to sift through if their doing it themselves – to show you’re perfect for the role and get an interview, you’ll need to prepare properly and stand out.
Preparation is not always that fun and many of us do not look forward to doing it. It can often appear to be boring and dull – particularly to those who love the ‘buzz’ of spontaneity. However, it can prove to be one of the most valuable skills that you can master in avoiding the build-up of stress and anxiety as deadline dates approach.
“Fail to Prepare, You Prepare to Fail!”
Interview Questions You May Get Asked!
Here below are two Office of National Statistics graphs to give you some further insight, if finding a job in the right location becomes challenging. Either the employment growth rate is low in that area or the industry sector, just isn’t as buoyant. Remember you have many transferable skills, so if location is vital to you, consider a different sector but focus you CV and Covering Letter on your skills rather industry relevance.
Percentage growth by region UK, 2016 to 2017