Employees do have personal lives and need that reassurance that if anything happened, their employer is there to support them no matter what, but also, private circumstances can change at a flick of a switch so the question is, ‘How nimble is your company systems and processes?’ – test yourself….
1. Do you have cloud technology, so employees can log-on wherever they need to work?
2. Have you implemented live sharing, like for example Google Drive, to allow multiple immediate live changes/updates?
3. Do you trust all your employees?
4. Do each team member have key responsibilities, so you can see if work is not being generated?
5. What central consistent communication channel do you have in place to ensure all staff are supported if they have a question and need further clarity/help?
6. For remote workers, do you or a line manager receive an update before they leave the business for the day?
7. How do you currently track employees actions each day and whether they’ve completed them?
8. Are you aware and have access to all project information/templates/
9. Do you have a central CRM system, so you are able to see activity and communications within employees and clients?
10. Do you have VOIP, reducing the pressure of the office phones not being covered?
Clearly, as a business owner/employer, you will want to be saying ‘YES’ to all of the above, but if a few questions have flagged ‘HIGH RISK’, then there is no time like the present to implement a new system or process. Employees are able to continue working even if they can’t physically get into the office.