When it comes to recruitment success we have to admit that we’ve made a huge assumption.
We have to admit that we’ve made a huge assumption. We’ve assumed that you know what we mean by recruitment success. Hopefully you do, but if your recruitment experience has been less than stellar, here’s what you’re missing.
Recruitment success means it should be hard to choose between candidates
Because you want to give them ALL the job. The right job specification should lead to the right candidates. When you get to the final interview, you should be choosing the best from the best – making this decision is hard, but a good place to be.
The first day goes better than you expected
And not just because you prepared properly. Because you’ve chosen someone who’s a natural fit with the rest of your team, you notice new connections being made and new conversations with your new person. It will be much less of an effort to include them than you imagined, they’ll seem to get stuck right in.
A month in and you’ve forgotten they’re ‘new’
You ask them to do something and it gets done. They’ve slotted in with the rest of the team and have carved out their space. Sometimes they’ll need direction, like any of your staff, but they’ll ask if they need help. You’re not watching their every move, worried they’re going to mess up.
Six months in and you’re asking them for advice
They’ve become part of the furniture (the part of that’s useful and you couldn’t do without rather than the part that everyone ignores and wonders what it does). It seems natural to solicit their advice on company matters and include their thoughts on strategic decision making. They’ve added to your business in more ways that you imagined when you wrote the spec in the first place. But this never occurs to you because you no longer think of them as a new employee.
This is the experience of many of our clients. If this sounds like another world to you, then you probably just need to tweak what you’re doing to attract the right people. Our DIY Recruitment Guide shows you how to recruit for success.