How to Recruit A Whole Department
Up until now, you’ve had one or two people working for each role in your company. Now you need several people in each area, reporting to a person who isn’t you. In short, you need to create a department.
To do this, consider the whole department from the beginning – don’t throw people together ad-hoc or you’ll end up with personality clashes.
Where to start?
What will your department deliver? Customer service or internal IT support? You should generate a list of hard skills such as: experience of SAP or database programming with softer ones: independent working, good telephone manner or innovative thinker. Think about the growth of your business and consider what you need in the future as well as what you need now.
Define roles
Using the skills list as a guide, start to tease out individual roles. For each one think about how that role has to interact with the others. For example, is the role mostly autonomous, or will that person have to work closely with others? Remember, it’s the interaction between the people in your department that will determine its success. The more specific you can be about what kind of person will be good for each job, the better.
Specify your team leader
The type of leader you’ll need will depend on the type of roles you’ve come up with. A good leader is not always the person with the biggest mouth. Different people like to be led by different personality types. Crucially, your team leader needs to share your vision and company values. They need to have the ability to motivate the kind of people you’ll have in your team and must be someone you’re happy delegating to.
Recruit into the gaps
It’s critically important you get the right kind of person into each role. Make use of personality testing and if you’re retaining current staff, profile them too. When we recruit into existing teams we use Talent Dynamics to ensure everyone works well with everyone else.
Ready to hire?
Get it right from the start and your new department will hit the ground running and help you grow your business. We show you how to recruit the people who’ll make all the difference in our DIY recruitment guide.