“Ducks in a row” comes from building ships in the past, whereby the duck is a device that holds the keel in place while building a ship. Step one when building a ship is to get the ducks in a straight row thus ensuring a straight keel. Today, lasers are used to ensure the ducks are straight, but the analogy remains the same – you can’t build your ship unless you have the foundations accurately in place.
So let’s use your company’s USP as an example. The first duck that came to mind for me when setting up The Internal Recruiter, was asking myself “Why am I doing this?” Without knowing my WHY, I didn’t have a purpose. Having a purpose is a reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. My WHY, is that I wanted to use my 25 years recruitment experience to help companies attract staff when they have limited or no budget to do so, or even if they prefer to recruit themselves, avoiding recruitment agencies.
The second duck is to establish WHAT am I trying to achieve, WHAT are my goals? These are broken down into short, medium and long term, but you decide on the time scale. For example, I have a goal to generate 100 Elite Members which is The Internal Recruiters monthly scheme by the end of 2020, and to do this, I need 8 to join us per month.
Duck number three, is WHO would be interested and WHO do I know already that would really benefit from paying a small monthly amount (from just £50 per month)? We are approaching Charities as they have no budget for recruitment, Small Companies as they have limited access to surplus money and Companies that just like to try recruiting themselves initially to save some money.
WHEN is our duck number four; timing is everything! Knowing WHEN someone may need your services/help or support. For me, sharing our Elite service to become a Member having The Internal Recruiter by your side is perfect for what is currently going on in the world NOW, as you will need to tighten the reigns but still recruit soon. Paying a very small amount you will receive unlimited recruitment support as shown here with no additional fees. One monthly fixed amount will allow you to plan and prepare (using your time now especially through this pandemic) having expertise to save money!
Lastly our Duck number five. HOW am I going to speak to people about the advantages and benefits of becoming an Elite member? Here I am now, talking and sharing authentically daily, our support with gratitude for what we know.
There are probably many questions you have, our FAQs page here will answer some of those for you, however, why not continue your journey with us and receive free of charge 5 days’ worth of how we can use positive mindfulness to support our coronavirus exit, with retention, recruitment tips and templates too, giving you a focus, with a goal a day in mind putting your ducks in a row!
To receive your FREE of charge 5 day People Planning Pack email: internalrecruiterhelp@gmail.com
“All plans should include practical steps to put into action
and make them happen.”